Friday, April 29, 2011

Scared of Dirt

I think it is so funny that Andrew, my 2 year old BOY, is so afraid of being dirty.  I always think of boys as being dirty, making mud pies and not having a care in the world.  How did I get a child who freaks out when he gets food on his hands when he is eating?  We have to give him a napkin to wipe his hands and face as he eats - I don't know of any other kid who uses a napkin.  Whenever we come inside from playing and take his shoes off, he always has to check the bottom of his feet for dirt.  If they are dirty we have to wash them off immediately. 

Yesterday Andrew was playing on his new little fort he got for his birthday.  The sprinklers had just ran a few hours before and the ground was a little muddy.  At first I thought that maybe he had fallen off the fort or the slide because he just started crying.  When I got to him I saw that he had just crawled under the fort and had mud all over his hands and face which caused a freak out.  I couldn't help but laugh because it was just too ridiculous.  

I guess I don't really have anything to complain about, I just think it's hilarious.  I do not like messes myself, and am happy to have a child who is not a fan as well.  Andrew loves helping me do laundry, unload the dishwasher and always follows me around while I am vacuuming.  I hope his love of being clean sticks and he will be happy to do all these chores himself when he gets a little older!

Here is a picture of Andrew using his vacuum to clean up some cereal that he spilled on the floor (on purpose).


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